And you may wonder, what is this blog for? is Laura planning to give us more work? We are already full of tasks, papers, exams, etc!! You are right, I know that you have a lot of things to do.
This blog is not supposed to give you more work, it is created to help you in case you need it.
The tasks that will appear here are completely optional. If you decide to do them, I will give you extra points in your final mark. However, if you don't have time or you don't like it, I won't penalize you.
So now that you know the truth about the blog, have a look... or disconnect!!

diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2008


In the end, Notting Hill had 7 votes and it was the most voted film, so this is the one we are going to watch on Wednesday and Thursday in the last lessons of the year. Here you have the trailer...

2 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...


I have just finished to watch the end of the film, and I didn't remember that it was so fantastic.

It has been a very good form for finish the lessons.

Merry christmas!!
We keep in contact for e-mails!!

Laura Ballús ha dit...

Hi Marta!

It was a pity that we couldn't finish watching the film all together, the ending is so great!!

Well, I'm glad you liked it.

Merry Christmas!

Keep in touch,


Is there any word you don't know?