And you may wonder, what is this blog for? is Laura planning to give us more work? We are already full of tasks, papers, exams, etc!! You are right, I know that you have a lot of things to do.
This blog is not supposed to give you more work, it is created to help you in case you need it.
The tasks that will appear here are completely optional. If you decide to do them, I will give you extra points in your final mark. However, if you don't have time or you don't like it, I won't penalize you.
So now that you know the truth about the blog, have a look... or disconnect!!

divendres, 23 de gener del 2009


Dear students,
This may be my last message on this blog. I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for the good moments we spent together.
If you have any question or comment, you can leave it here.

dimecres, 14 de gener del 2009


Look at this photo, read the clues and try to guess the place in the photo...

dilluns, 12 de gener del 2009


Dear students,

Here you have the answer key for the exercises about Notting Hill. Some of you have handed them in this morning. I won't accept more exercises, so I give you the key. Have a look and pay special attention to the exercise on reported speech since many of you did it wrong. I'll give you the marks on Wednesday.

Notting Hill Answer Key

Is there any word you don't know?