And you may wonder, what is this blog for? is Laura planning to give us more work? We are already full of tasks, papers, exams, etc!! You are right, I know that you have a lot of things to do.
This blog is not supposed to give you more work, it is created to help you in case you need it.
The tasks that will appear here are completely optional. If you decide to do them, I will give you extra points in your final mark. However, if you don't have time or you don't like it, I won't penalize you.
So now that you know the truth about the blog, have a look... or disconnect!!

dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2008


As I told you in the previous message, verb tenses are also part of the Grammar Exam.
Have a look at this presentation about it.
If you have any doubts, you can answer this message with them
I hope it's useful!
If you cannot see the presentation, click on Grammar Tenses

Grammar Tenses
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: grammar almost)


You know that the first grammar exam of the course will be on Wednesday November the 20th.You also know that, for the exam, you have to study the verb tenses and reported speech.
Here you have a video with an explanation about reported speech.
If you have any questions for the exam, you can answer this message with the question.

TASK 2: My trip to New York

You wanted to know about my trip to New York, so I have created a photo album for you to have a little idea of what I saw in the City of the Cities.
Look at the photos and the comments I wrote under each of them.
Answer the questions that appear in some of the photos. In order to see the album in a big format and to see the comments and questions, make a double click on the album.
You can also ask whatever you want!!!
I hope you like it!

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

diumenge, 9 de novembre del 2008


Here you can post any doubt or question that you have.
It can be about the topics we are dealing in class or about anything that you don't understand.
Don't be ashamed!


Tell me what you expect to find in this blog. Is there anything you would need and I haven't thought about it?
You can also give me your opinion about the blog (positive things, negative things, etc).
Remember to sign your entry at the end.

Is there any word you don't know?